New Families
We’re excited to welcome you! All information regarding schedules, registration, and more can be found here.
Open Enrollment
Whether you’re a longtime learner or new to the district, we’re glad you’re here. Enroll for the 2024-2025 school year here.
How to Create an Ascender Parent Portal Account:
1. Go to Parent Portal
2. Click on the Create Account button
3. Complete the user information questions: “username” “password” “email address” and “mobile phone number.” Then click next.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The parent’s email address used to set up your account must match the email address the school currently has on file. If you have trouble linking your student (step 6 below), call our offices at Elementary 940-276-1551 or JH/HS 940-276-1552 to verify the email address you have on file in our system.
4. Select a security question from the drop-down menu and type in the security question answer. (This is case sensitive; you must re-enter this answer exactly the same later if retrieval of password is ever needed.) Then click Next.
5. Click Finish. You will receive an email containing a link to verify your email address and a text message with a code to verify your mobile phone number. Log in to your email and click on the link. You will be linked to a page with a message that your email has been verified. Click Return to Login. After logging on, enter the code that you received by text message and click Verify.
Your account is now set up! Continue with the steps below to link your student(s) to the account. You will need their parent portal ID which can be obtained by calling our office at 940-524-3555.
6. On the My Account page under the Students heading, click Link an Enrolled Student to associate your child with your new account.
7. A pop-up will appear. Enter your student’s parent portal ID (You will need to contact the school for this information if you do not have it already.) Enter your student’s birthdate.
8. If you have additional students enrolled in Petrolia CISD, repeat steps 6 and 7 for each student.
Your students are now linked to your account! The next step will be registration for the new school year. Later this summer, we will send out a notification when registration is opened. At that time, you will see a Registration button below each student’s name. Click on this link and you can go through all the current information we have on file. You can update all the forms and upload documents such as driver’s license, proof of residency, immunizations, etc.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email us at:
Elementary 940-276-1551 or holly.deklerk@petroliacisd.org JH/HS 940-276-1552 or christia.mayo@petroliacisd.org
NOTE: Although each guardian can create an Ascender Parent Portal account for access to attendance, grades, etc., only one guardian should register a student for the upcoming school year.
Dear Families,
If you haven't already downloaded the ParentSquare app, we would like you to do so as it is the best way to stay connected with our school.
A few of the things you can do on the app:
Download the App!
If you are viewing this message on your phone, click on a link below to download the app. If you are viewing on your computer, use your phone camera to hover over the QR image to download the app.
iPhone - Apple Store
Android - Google Play Store